FISH (skin mounts)
formerly on display at OSHKOSH MUSEUM
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All images on this site are the product of my own hard work and no image or text may be copied without my express written consent. Don't be one of those lame taxidermists that tries to fool potential customers by passing the work of others off as your own. Have some pride & learn to do quality work of your own
All images on this site are the product of my own hard work and no image or text may be copied without my express written consent. Don't be one of those lame taxidermists that tries to fool potential customers by passing the work of others off as your own. Have some pride & learn to do quality work of your own
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Back to the Replica PageAll images on this site are the product of my own hard work and no image or text may be copied without my express written consent. Don't be one of those lame taxidermists that tries to fool potential customers by passing the work of others off as your own. Have some pride & learn to do quality work of your own
Click on what you want to see Mnt. Goat - Pedestal Pronghorn Antelope Black bear Elk Moose (Shira's) Wild Boar Bear Pedestal Caribou
Dall Sheep
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All images on this site are the product of my own hard work and no image or text may be copied without my express written consent. Don't be one of those lame taxidermists that tries to fool potential customers by passing the work of others off as your own. Have some pride & learn to do quality work of your own
Click on what you want to see Mnt. Lion
on rock ledgeMnt Lion
Laying downMnt. Lion face close-up Life-size Piebald Deer Wt. Deer 1/2 Life-size Charging Bear
1/2 body mount"Rolling over Log"
1/2 body bear mount"Catch of the Day"
!/2 body bear mountWalking Bear Cinnamon Bear Cinnamon bear face close-up "Bear & Hornets Nest" Black Bear - Lifesize
1/2 lifesize Black Bear
2 Styles of 3/4 mount Charging Black bears
Two 1/2 lifesize black bears - walking
Mnt. Goat on rock ledge - Full body mount
Timber Wolf
Mnt Lion
Half Lifesize WT Deer
Kathy's Bear
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All images on this site are the product of my own hard work and no image or text may be copied without my express written consent. Don't be one of those lame taxidermists that tries to fool potential customers by passing the work of others off as your own. Have some pride & learn to do quality work of your own
All images on this site are the product of my own hard work and no image or text may be copied without my express written consent. Don't be one of those lame taxidermists that tries to fool potential customers by passing the work of others off as your own. Have some pride & learn to do quality work of your own
2008 - new bird photos are now on the Bird info page - click here
Turkey Pix
WalkingWild Turkey
StruttingFlying Turkey GobblingTurkey
Hen Turkey
Tom Turkey
Full Strut Turkey
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All images on this site are the product of my own hard work and no image or text may be copied without my express written consent. Don't be one of those lame taxidermists that tries to fool potential customers by passing the work of others off as your own. Have some pride & learn to do quality work of your own
2008 - new bird photos are now on the Bird info page - click here
Click on what you want to see Bluewing Teal
BankingWhite front Goose
Setting inRedhead duck
Setting inCanvasback
FloatingMallard duck
Flying wall mount3-D Flying Canada Goose ![]()
Black Ducks
Birds in Standing Poses
Wood duck
RestingHarlequin duck
StandingWhite Front Goose (Speck) Bluebill
Hooded MerganserStanding Hooded Mergansers Preening Male Wood Duck
Wood duck
Swimming & Floating Birds
Redhead duck
Floating in waterGoldeneye in Water Drake Redhead in water Hooded Merganser
SwimmingDrake Mallard Scene Preening Pintail in Water Scene back to the Photo Page index (top)
All images on this site are the product of my own hard work and no image or text may be copied without my express written consent. Don't be one of those lame taxidermists that tries to fool potential customers by passing the work of others off as your own. Have some pride & learn to do quality work of your own
Coming Soon - Wildlife photos and scene mounts
Some New Pix to Enjoy Winneconne Sunset Lighthouse in Fond Du Lac at Sunset Stone Bridge in Mnt. Ranier Nat'l Park Mount Ranier in Washingtom The Road before us - Eastern Montana
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All images on this site are the product of my own hard work and no image or text may be copied without my express written consent. Don't be one of those lame taxidermists that tries to fool potential customers by passing the work of others off as your own. Have some pride & learn to do quality work of your own
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