As with
all my mounts, I take GREAT pride in my game head
mounts. A combination of time proven methods,
the highest quality materials and some new, innovative
techniques that I have developed help me in producing
a long lasting, beautiful shoulder mount.
quality of your mount is ALWAYS my top
priority. This has been the foundation of
my business from the very beginning. And
it is the reason that so much of my business is
from repeat customers and referrals.
Remember, the mount you get back from the
taxidermist is the visible memory of your
outdoor accomplishment. When you look at
your mount, it will take you back to that
day in the woods, or on the lake, when
your luck and skill came together. How
long did you have to wait for that trophy? You
finally got that once in a
lifetime buck that we all dream about. So
when you look at it 5, 10 or 25 years from now,
will you still see a beautiful example of God's
creation and the work of a craftsman, or
will you wish you had taken a little more time
in selecting a taxidermist?
When the gun is put away and the pictures are in the drawer, your mount will be on the wall for all to see. There is no short-cut for experience and no substitute for a taxidermist that takes pride in his work. OUR AVERAGE COMPLETION TIMES 1.
Fish, birds, mammals and gameheads are usually
completed in 18- 24 months.
2. Antler mounts and Fish Reproductions are generally completed in 3 - 6 months 3. Repairs, turkey tails & other odd jobs are usually finished in 1-6 months. 4. Tanning is finished on average in 4-6 months
Mounts are done in groups in the
approximate order that they came in.
thank you for your patience and understanding.2. Mounts without deposits are skipped. Period. 3. 80% of my annual work comes in from Oct. - Dec. and I cannot complete it all on "schedule" 4. The quality of my work is a higher priority than the completion time. 5. I have MANY customers, this is all I do for a living and I am doing the best I can for every mount & every client. 6. Calling frequently, stopping by or becoming impatient will NOT get your mount done quicker - it will get your mount cancelled.
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