you ever wanted to know about getting your sturgeon
Info on Composite Skin Mounts, Replicas, Head Mounts, Custom Replicas. Download our Sturgeon Pamphlet Contains prices and a current list of available sizes for both head mounts and full body replicas Price List only 2024 - Sturgeon Replicas and Replica Heads |
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Composite Mounts How a sturgeon is mounted Sturgeon Replicas Complete list of replicas available Sturgeon Heads Only available here Creating a 78" Replica How a custom replica is built Info on Alterations Prices for custom work Photo Gallery Replicas and Composite Mounts |
MOUNTS My current price as of January 2024 - is $25 per inch NOTE: - I AM NOT ACCEPTING ANY STURGEON OVER 50" FOR A COMPOSITE MOUNT EVEN FROM PREVIOUS CLIENTS. In the traditional method of fish taxidermy, the fish is skinned, dry preserved and mounted on a foam form. This method uses the entire skin, including the head and fins, to produce a mounted fish. But the sturgeon is an exceptionally oily fish with thick fins and a head full of cartilage and grease. Using these methods on a sturgeon results in a poor quality mount that eventually begins to smell and "bleed" grease. A composite mount is combination of a skin mount and a replica that I developed for customers that wanted a "mounted" sturgeon, but also wanted a mount that would last. I remove the head and all fins from the sturgeon. Then I cast them and make latex or fiberglass replicas of these parts. A foam form is hand carved to match your sturgeons measurements. The fleshed, degreased & tanned skin and the artificial head and fins are then mounted onto the form. After drying and blending the artificial parts into the real skin, your composite sturgeon is ready to paint. The tanned skin and artificial parts will hold the paint for decades, are exact copies of your sturgeon and since no oily parts are left, it will never bleed grease or have a "fishy" odor. The following photos were taken as I prepared to mount an 84" - 220# Lake Sturgeon speared on Lake Winnebago in 2010 by Ron Grishaber. It is the new WI record and is the largest sturgeon speared to date. This finished mount can be seen at Lake Park Pub ~ N8904 Lake Park Rd ~ Menasha,WI 54952 The fins cast and body carved and ready Test fitting the skin The fish is assembled and ready to begin drying Dry and fins blended - it's ready for paint close up of the cast head The finished product ![]() As you can guess - it is a very time-consuming way to mount a fish and that makes it fairly expensive. However, since I guarantee all my mount for a minimum of 10 years, it is the ONLY way I will "mount" a sturgeon. back to the top |
Commercial Replicas ![]() There are currently only 11 sizes of Lake Sturgeon available from 6 different manufacturers across the USA. Molding and casting replicas of entire fish is NOT done by Simpson Taxidermy Studio. Occasionally some of the manufacturers are interested in making new molds or adding a new size and may be interested in casting your fish for that purpose. Prices for this service cannot be quoted in advance - the manufacturers must be contacted. Prices below are for finished replicas picked up in Winneconne. WI sales tax or shipping to customer are NOT included. For a current list of Lake Sturgeon replicas available & prices: http://www.simpsontaxidermy.com/STURGEON_PRICE_LIST2024.pdf |
Sturgeon Heads
Made & Sold EXCLUSIVELY by Simpson Taxidermy Studio These heads are cast from Lake Sturgeon harvested from the Lake Winnebago system. The replica is made from a rigid casting latex filled with foam and finished at Simpson Taxidermy Studio. Newer molds are made of silicone (highlighted in blue) and the head is then cast in plastic. The plastic is lighter and captures better detail. Older molds will be re-molded in silicone as time & demand allows. ![]() STURGEON
2024 PRICES - SM - $275 MED - $325 LARGE - $350 X-LGE - $385 Photos of each head available soon. Custom casting of your sturgeon head - NO LONGER AVAILABLE Adding 1 fin to any head mount - $175 Adding 2 fins - $285 Dropping the mouth tube on any replica - $200 Above prices do NOT include oak panel. Solid oak oval panels are available for an additional charge. Other panels are also available. Photos of heads ready for immediate sale can be seen on my For Sale page - http://www.simpsontaxidermy.com/4SALE.htm#Sturgeon How to measure your
sturgeon head
You can simply
use the length and weight listed above to get a
replica head for your sturgeon. However, some
fish will be long, but not heavy, others will have a
bigger head, but not so much length. So, I
developed a chart which can be filled in with the
measurements from your fish. I
found this to be th best way to accurately "size"
your surgeon head.
here for the chart in .pdf format.Click on the link below and print a copy of the chart. Use calipers and a tape measure for taking the measurements and write them in the chart. You can bring in your completed measurement chart and I can compare it to the heads in my catalog, or e-mail it to me if you are out of the local area. |
In February, 2011 a 78" lake sturgeon witha 38.5" girth and weighing 169.3# was speared on Lake Poygan. This is largest sturgeon harvested on the upper lakes of the Lake Winnebago chain to date. I was asked to make a replica of this fish by the good folks at Critter's Sports in Winneconne. The finished replica is now on display at Woodeye's Bar & Grill in Winneconne. After doing some checking, I found a 78" replica available from Archie Phillips in AL. However, once this replica, #BL-822 - arrived - I found it was NOT a Lake Sturgeon, but a Gulf Sturgeon. After some dispute over the phone, the sturgeon was returned to Archie Phillips. I did some more digging and found a 76" X 31" girth Lake Sturgeon at Pete Nicely Replicas in VA. I called to confirm that it was in fact a lake sturgeon before ordering it and was given assurance that it was. When it arrived, it turned out AGAIN to be another Gulf Sturgeon. Since the next closest replica ( that I KNEW was a REAL Lake Sturgeon) was only 72" long with a much smaller girth - I deciided to build the damn thing myself. This is the sturgeon blank I got from Nicely's - ![]() Notice the scooped nose & flattened head and larger scutes on the back, lateral & bellines than on a true Lake Sturgeon. I had some major work to do if this was going to look like the 78" Lake Winnebago sturgeon that was speared. I started by making a replacement head (seen on the left) in rigid latex from the mold of a 220# sturgeon I mounted in 2011. |
I didn't like the
original angle of the head, so I cut it loose,
lifted the nose and changed the angle of the
head to create a more pleasing line. The scutes
(bony plates on the lateral line) and back plates
were molded and cast and these new segments were
attached along the lateral line and back in the
expanded area.
Once all the correct dimensions had been built up and the excess foam shapped and saneded, it was time to put a "skin" on it. I started with a thin layer of Bondo Light. Fairly inexpensive and easy to work, I filled in slight depressions and evened out the body shape. ![]() ![]() The fins were sanded and prepped and
attached. Then a final skin of Shell Shock -
a heavy liquid 2-part plastic from Smooth-On
- was applied with a spatuala over the entire
side. A special sand mixture was
applied on top of the Shell Shock to give
the skin that sandpaper texture of a Lake
Sturgeon. The barbels were attached and
final touch-up and sculpting was done.
![]() ![]() ![]() After some more detail work, a few minor changes and sculpting - the eyes were set and a a hanging block attached to the back. Final sealing and texturing was completed, and it was primed and ready for paint. ![]() Using reference photos I had taken of the actual fish, it was painted in about 5 hours. After drying and 2 applications of catalyzed clearcoat, it was ready to go. It hung in my showroom for only a few hours before both the client and original sturgeon "hunter" came in and gave thier approval. |
you should know & what I Learned
I have found only 11 true Lake Sturgeon replicas available from 6 different vendors anywhere in the USA. (see list below) I can alter any sturgeon to match the size and girth of your fish, but it is a time & material consuming job. The creation of the 78" pictured here took approx. 25 hours of time just to make the alterations and custom sizing. Over $150 in extra epoxies, foam, glue and plastics were used in the making of this fish. After carefully documenting the time and material used in this project, I have come up with the following price for custom alterations like the ones pictured on this page. Alteration Pricing To lengthen or shorten by a small amount (1-2"), it is often possible to just replace the head. Price to Replace head - $300 In order to length or reduce the length by several inches - the replica must be cut, then reinforced, reassembled and re-sculpted. Additionally, a new head will probably be required to fit the new size. Major alterations - $150 per inch (length and girth) + $300 (replacement head - if needed) Alteration prices are in addition to the current price of the replica closest in size to your fish. The largest lake sturgeon replica is 72" X 30" of girth |
Photo Gallery Below are both replicas (top row) and composite mounts (2nd row) of sturgeon I have completely recently. Photos of older mounts have not yet been digitized. Composite mounts use the real body skin tanned and applied over a carved urethane foam with reproduction head and fins. Click on thumbnail for larger pic |
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