Your Replies

I decided to post this simple page as I am a firm believer in Free Speech  and your right to express your opinion - even if they disagree with mine.   So if you decide to write and attempt to berate me for my opinion, expect to see it here.  You may want to check your spelling before you send it to me.    On that note -

April 5, 2002  From - David Bremner    In reference to my United Way - NO WAY opinion

Hey Bud,

I know that you have a little tag line on your website saying if you don't agree with me then I don't want to hear from you, but hey I'm gonna ignore that.  If this e-mail does nothing more than annoy you... fuck yeah I feel satisfied.

As a Gay parent, I would hate to see my sons spend the weekend with a dickwadd biggot such as yourself.  You are indeed entitled to your own opinion, thank the lord that there are only a handfull of you and most ultra right wing losers tend to be trash poor and stuff animals (or family members) for kicks.

Remember to lock up your guns... you wouldn't want your genius offspring to shoot each other before their Pa falls off the soap box!

Have fun wherever you are, and don't publish stuff and expect nobody to comment on it!

And my Reply -
    You expressed yourself so well, I couldn't help but respond.  One of the nice things about America is being able to say what you want.  Did I offend you?  Too bad.  Seems you're a bigot yourself, based on your little e-mail - you do not know me , yet you feel free to pass judgement on me & my children.  Quite a few stereostypes represented in your message.
     Am I not entiled to find homosexuality morally wrong and un-natural?   It goes against the laws of God & nature and I do not believe it is a  "healthy, alternative lifestyle".  I resent that I am not supposed to say that these days for fear of "offending" someone or some group.     I am also  against domestic abuse, drug use, pornography & child molestation- but many
people find these things acceptable, too.  We each find our own moral path.
    In the court case to which I was refering, (that got you fired up) Boy  Scout leaders are in a position of influence in a group with a strict set of  guidelines.  I have a right to know that the person that is helping to teach  my son to be a man shares the same moral code that I do.  I would expect  him to follow the Scout Oath and teach it's values.  It is not possible for
an active gay person to obey the Scout Oath.  Should the Boy Scouts have to change their moral code to fit the desires of a very small part of the population?  Or should those who join & agree to follow the code be allowed to exclude those that do not?  If a Scout leader was teaching your son that it was ok to steal or beat animals,  would you not want him thrown out of
the Scouts?  Would you find this person a good influence on your young son? If you are a Catholic, you do not ask the church to teach the Koran instead of the Bible.  I am a believer in majority rule, not political correctness.
    And I thank God that  folks like me are still in the majority - just most are afraid to say so these days.  I wish no ill will on you or your son - you are entitled to your opinions & your lifestyle.  And until freedom of speech is completely supressed by politically correct left wing wackos - I will continue to say & write what I choose.